Thursday 12 September 2013

World today as we know it.

No food to feed people in your country, yet you would go on a war with another country cause they wouldn’t agree to your proposal. World today, makes it so hard to find peace. What exactly is it that we have to prove that could only be solved by rage? In Bangladesh, a teenager addicted to drugs named Oishi has killed both of her parents. Another teenage girl with a similar name killed herself because she didn’t want to live with that name, also she suggested on her suicidal note that she could never make her parents happy or live up to their expectations. She also said she had many dreams and she regrets the fact that she couldn’t fulfil them. She did mention that she understands how much her parents love her, she claims to love them a lot too but she pointed out how her parents only pointed out her flaws and never appreciated her achievements. How is it ‘love’ when you know it’s going to affect your parents the most, how can you have regrets on not fulfilling your dreams when you didn’t even give yourself a chance to try. Why would someone else with the similar name affect you so much? Couldn’t you prove everyone wrong by doing something great despite what everyone say? I mean the greatest pleasure after all happens to be proving people wrong, especially who never had faith in you.

Many people would say, you have no idea what their journey is all about. No, tell us. I really don’t. And I wouldn’t be interested either if you plan on quitting. That’s not very inspirational now is it? Why don’t you start with, my life had no meaning before I realised others don’t know what I’m all about or what my journey is all about but sure as hell I have proved them wrong. Tell us the steps, how many times have you failed and how you have succeeded. Life is hard. Period. How we take it, is up to us. You wouldn’t sit through a movie for an hour if the story wasn’t challenging or interesting, and obstacles make it interesting. Let me give you an example, Ellen DeGeneres is a talk show host/actor. She struggled a lot in life once she came out, but she did it because there were many people committing suicide because of bullies. Being a famous person didn’t really make things any easier for her, she mentioned in one of her interviews that she had no jobs for several years and people would ignore her shows because no one wants to hear a gay woman talk for an hour, no housewives would be interested. She didn’t give up on her dreams and look at her now, she hosted the Oscars and she continued helping people in need. She’s married and she’s famous, she embraces it all. And trust me when I say this, it all gets better, eventually. She has inspired many people to be proud of who they really are and not to give up on themselves and be strong. Why don’t we try and be an inspiration? Why kill ourselves as an answer to our solution? You would probably kill yourself for being a victim of bullies, be it your parents or your friends or just random people who hardly know you. But once you’re dead, no one remembers you unless you have made a difference in someone’s life. All we have got to do is give it time, give time SOME TIME. It will happen, no rush.

What‘s the pleasure of getting something without having to work for it? You have enough food to survive but do you appreciate it? No. You don’t realise there are many people who would be just glad to be fed at least once a day. You’re depressed because people don’t understand you, well MAKE THEM! Then again, you wouldn’t even have to make them understand you as long as you know it deep down that you’re getting somewhere. We get upset about small things in life, how selfish are we? We are upset because we don’t have friends, we have our parents and yet they’re not good enough as they don’t try and understand us. And my God, people are upset because they don’t have girlfriends/boyfriends, or they’re too fat or skinny. If you think life isn’t fair, think of people with real problems. People who are losing their loved ones, people who are starving to death, people who are craving for some little help and has no one to ask for it. We want iPhones and branded clothes and accessories, do we ever think of spending them on people who actually might use it for real problems, say I don’t know..To feed themselves?
We judge celebrities every now and then, did you ever wonder how many people throw hate comments at them? Do they just give up acting or singing? Or do they continue anyway because it’s their dream and they know they’re good at it? How many people hate Justin Bieber, Nicki Minaj or Lil Wayne? Yet, there are people who loves their music and they’re proving everyone wrong everyday by popping up on radios or television. We just have to accept the fact that we cannot please everyone and if we live to please others then we will never find peace. When Heath Ledger was chosen to play the character Joker on Batman, The dark Knight, people threw many negative comments. In fact they questioned his ability to act at all. Funny thing about that is, Heath Ledger ended up doing so great that even now people talk about his acting in that movie. He clearly has proven everyone wrong. I’m sure those haters have nothing to say now. Not to mention that they have started to throw negative comments about Ben Affleck being the NEW BATMAN. Let’s wait and see how he proves everyone wrong. We were disturbed by Miley Cyrus’s performance on an award show, but even she knows even though people disliked her performance yet she had billions of viewers on youtube, so that’s a win for her.

I have way too many questions yet I’m not willing to receive the answers because sometimes it’s ok to be confused and to not know everything. I try and accept life as it is by finding happiness in every little thing around me. I’m just grateful of everything around me. To be honest, I’m a little spoiled too. I get by, because I love forcing things to happen my way. As I believe, you just have to give it your best shot before you start nagging about it. I find happiness in talking to homeless people, this might sound very insensitive but it is by speaking to them I understand how lucky I am. I do want to be somewhere in future where I get to help people, either I know them or not. I have learned that when you do something for yourself, you stay happy for, let’s assume, maybe a month maximum? Then you get used to it and soon it’s like what else is new? But when you do something for someone else, watching them be happy makes you happy every time you think of it, even if it means after 10 years.

Just few clichéd things to remember;
1)      You can’t please everyone.
2)      Help those who need it/ or those who are facing similar issues as you are.
3)      Be yourself.
4)      Everything gets better, in time.
5)      Never give up.
6)      There are worse things in life, so be grateful for whatever you have got.
7)      You can either run from your past or learn from it.
8)      Smile, you don’t own all the problems in this world.
9)      Talk about your problems; don’t sweep it under the rug.

This blog might give you many mixed messages and I apologise for that. You see ‘a woman’s mind is like when you’re using internet explorer and you have many tabs open, it’s slow but it’s filled with many useful and useless issues at the same time.’

Thank you for reading. :)